Bring Home the Bacon & An Important Notice
>> Saturday, 27 November 2010
This weekend (Nov 27 - 30) will be the last time I will be linking directly to my column. The newspaper I write for has decided to make their online content, a paid subscription service. I cannot say that I am in agreement with this move but it is what it is. As a result of this development, I have decided that I am going to distribute a monthly newsletter that will contain abridged versions of my column effective from January 2011, to all interested. In other words, come January 2011, my first newsletter will contain the 4 abridged versions of December's columns, February's newsletter will have January's abridged columns and so on.
In addition to the abridged columns themselves, the newsletter will include all recipes related to the columns as well as accompanying photographs. If you would like to receive my newsletter in your inbox, please email me with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Those of you who are already subscribed to my column-email need not re-subscribe, your names will automatically be included in the mailing list.
You may be wondering, what will now be featured on this blog? More food! (laugh). On a serious note, this blog will continue to be just as playful, experimental and informative of all things food related. I'll still post weekly, but instead of Saturdays, I will now post on Fridays.
I want to thank everyone for being so supportive through the years, particularly those of you who took the time to read the column. No fear though, you can still read the column, at your leisure and convenience. And, you can read 4 editions in one publication! All you have to do is to email me with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Don't forget, if you already receive my column in your inbox, you do not need to re-subscribe.
Have a great weekend everyone!