A Test Of My Patience...

>> Saturday, 10 January 2009

I do not shy away from hard work. I know and understand that there are certain things that take time to prepare and cook. However, after sitting for more than two hours cutting, peeling, shredding a katahar’s pulp and shelling its seeds and then waiting for more than an hour for it to finish cooking, I was no longer feeling the love. Click here to continue reading the column and to learn more about this vegetable.

Left: Katahar un-cut Right: Cut Katahar showing seeds & pulp

This vegetable is known as:
Katahar (Guyana)
Chataigne (Trinidad & Tobago)
Breadnut (English)
Castana (Spanish)
Chataignier (French)
Kapiak (New Guinea)
Kamansi, dulugian, pakau, kolo, ugod (Phillipines)
Kulur, Kelur, Kulor, Kuror (Malaya, Java)
Mei Kakano (Marquesas)
Pana de pepitas (Puerto Rico)

Top: pulp with seeds Bottom: seeds ready to be shelled
Left: pulp shredded Right: pulp shredded and seeds shelled and cut ready to be cooked
Top left: Uncooked ripe seeds, Bottom left: cooked ripe seeds, Right: Cooked seed whole, shelled & peeled
Katahar Curry
The Royal Foodie Joust and Eat Healthy Contest that provided a chance to win a copy of my book are over and next week the winners will be announced! Don't forget that you can CLICK for a chance to win a copy of the book and be on the look out for other blog contests where you can win another copy of the book.
Thanks to all the Royal Foodie Joust & Eat Healthy Contest participants! We could not have done it without you!

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