Eureka's Green Thumb!

>> Saturday 3 January 2009

As the New Year steps in, many of us will have made various resolutions that have something to do with eating. Some folks will decide to restrict a particular food or beverage; some folks will have taken the drastic step of cutting out certain foods and drinks altogether. However, I hope some of you will be like me. I have resolved to experiment more and try new things and explore new ways of using familiar ingredients. I want to expand my palate and the palates of those with whom I share my meals and the use of herbs is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to expand and experiment in the kitchen. Click here to read the entire column and to meet Eureka!

This collage is just a sample of some of the herbs that can be found in Eureka's garden and at her stall.

Follow this link for a closer look at the herbs, a description and how you might use it. I have also included informative links from here, here and here about herbs, how to grow them, preserve them etc.

You may find my previous posts on Green Seasoning and Thyme useful as well.

CLICK the photography event is back and this month, the theme is RED! Participating also gives you a chance to win a copy of my book! So take out those cameras and get CLICK-ing! Read all the details of the event here.

Don't forget that you can also win a copy of the book by participating in the Royal Foodie Joust and the Eat Healthy Contest!

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