Day 1: Starters Ideas

>> Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Today begins a 7-part series ahead of the holidays, with a few ideas of things to try for the big holiday meal. Here are 2 starters.

Bacon Plantains photo baconp5_zpshwvggpa2.png

This other recipe of cheesy-garlicky mashed potatoes stuffed in small Spanish peppers can also work as a side dish. I got the small ones making them perfectly sized for a starter. As you will see in the recipe, there are ideas for other things that you can stuff the peppers with - rice, meat, etc.

Stuffed Peppers photo spepp3_zpsd9g916w9.png

Tomorrow, Day 2: Pumpkin-Rosemary Rolls and Garlic Butter Pull-apart Bread.

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