Guyana @ 50 - Thyme

>> Monday, 25 April 2016

If you are not Guyanese, you may be wondering what's the big deal posting about thyme. It is a big deal because Guyana thyme/Guyanese thyme or Guyana fine thyme as it is familiarly called, is integral to Guyanese cuisine. The flavour, taste, and aroma are distinct. Our soups, Garlic Pork, Black Pudding, Cook-up Rice, fried fish, green seasoning and many other foods would not be the same without this distinct thyme. Some of you in other parts of the region, like Trinidad would most likely know this herb as Portuguese Thyme.

Thyme photo thyme_zps6ux1qwic.png
Guyana Thyme ©Cynthia Nelson

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