The MY FOOD Project

>> Wednesday, 8 January 2014

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What is the MY FOOD Project? UPDATED WITH NEW CATEGORY, see below!

It is an exploration of how we think of and about food, what we think of and about food and how we use food to connect and communicate. The project also seeks to examine how food informs our identity. MY FOOD is a project based on my ongoing research into Caribbean food culture and food heritage.

Food rituals, practices and traditions are some of the instruments we use to mark our lives.

Why should we are about these linkages?

  • These linkages help us to understand who we are.
  • These linkages provide a context for the food we buy, cook, eat and share.
  • These linkages allow us to acknowledge and appreciate the sacrifices, resourcefulness and skills of generations that defined and continue to define our cuisine.
  • These linkages are important to us writing our own histories, personally and culturally, thereby defining ourselves.

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Who can participate in the MY FOOD Project?

The project is open to anyone who finds themselves in one of the following categories:
  • People living in the Caribbean (this includes the Dutch, Spanish, French and of course English-speaking Caribbean).
  • People of West Indian origin or heritage living in the Diaspora or wider afield - this includes 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generations.
  • People who are of non-West Indian heritage but have made the Caribbean their home for at least 5 years and more.
  • Non-West Indian/Caribbean people who are married to or partnered with West Indians/Caribbean folk.

How do I participate?

Send an email to: with the words: MY FOOD in the subject line indicating your interest. The relevant questionnaire along with the guidelines will be sent to you. The complete project proposal which includes the goals, objectives etc., can be found here.

I want to participate but I want to keep my identity private.

This is acceptable. An alias will be created for you, however, your country of origin will remain factual for analyzation of information.

Can I include a photograph of myself to accompany my interview?

Yes you can.

How often is the MY FOOD Project published?

By-weekly. In other words, every other week, on Wednesdays.

Do I have to be a blogger or own a blog to participate?

No. Participation is open to anyone, and non-bloggers are especially welcomed.

Can I recommend others to participate that I think would make a good contribution?

Yes, that would be great!

What is the duration of the MY FOOD Project?

Initially, this project will run for a year but it is likely to remain LIVE as long as there is active participation.

Need more questions answered? Want to make a suggestion or comment? Please use the comment form below or inbox me directly.

Thanks in advance for your time and for sharing YOUR food with MY FOOD. This project goes LIVE a week from today - Wednesday, January 15, 2014.

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