My First Vegan Dinner

>> Saturday, 16 January 2010

WANTED: A Shelter Box. Click here for details

Smack in the middle of Christmas week, a time filled with ham, turkey, lamb and chicken, I hosted my first vegan dinner! A Vegan in the Sun and her husband came to visit and that's how it all came about. Read about the planning, the anxiety and the dinner itself, it in this week's column. For a taste of some Caribbean Vegan food, be sure to check out Tay's blog!

Here's what I made. Oh, there's a challenge issued at the end of the column, check it out and let me know if you are interested. Recipes for the Chickpea Patties & Green Bean Mallum are at the bottom of the column. Click here for the Lemon Rice Recipe.


  • 3 large bell peppers (green, red, yellow)
  • 1/3 cup dressing (recipe follows)


  • ½ cup distilled vinegar
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt


  • 1 small saucepot
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 1 large bowl
  • 1 dining fork
  • 1 dining spoon


For dressing:

  1. Add all ingredients to saucepot and place on medium heat. Stir with wooden spoon to dissolve
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and then remove from heat and let cool completely

For pickle:

  1. Cut peppers in half and remove the seeds and stem. Slice lengthways into strips
  2. Add sliced peppers to bowl, pour 1/3 cup dressing and toss thoroughly using spoon and fork. Set aside tossing a few more times until ready to serve


  • You’ll have more dressing than you need, store the remainder in an airtight container in the fridge for another use

  • Pickle can be made days ahead, stored in an airtight container, refrigerated. The dressing can be made as well for use with carrots or cucumbers

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