Anatomy of a Food Label - Part 1

>> Saturday, 23 January 2010

Food manufacturers the world over, invest a lot of money in designing and creating labels for their food products. The reason is simple – to attract consumers. However, some studies suggest that many of us find it difficult to interpret the information on labels. And therein lies the rub. Click here to read this week's column which is Part 1 of a 2-Part Series looking at the Anatomy of a Food Label.


I love the idea of stuffed peppers, but once they are stuffed and cooked, all I want is the stuffing, 90-percent of the time I discard the peppers which work great as cooking vessels :) It was no different with this recipe. Over the holidays there were lots of Cubanelle peppers to be found in the market. I like them simply because they are so darn attractive. As soon as I saw the Cubanelles, I knew exactly what I was going to make: Stuffed Peppers with Black Bean Sauce, and so I did. The recipe did not disappoint. I could not find ground pork (minced pork) and so I used ground beef (minced beef) instead. I was worried about whether or not the beef would be tender when cooked, and I am happy to report that it was; I think the cornstarch in the mixture keeps the meat tender. Head over to Food Mayhem for the recipe.


And finally, an introduction. My dear friend Tuty has finally started blogging! Yayyyy! Scent of Spice is the name of her blog and some of you may remember me talking about her when she made Yellow Fried Chicken for me when I met her for the first time (in person) in December of 2008. She's a fantastic cook. I've already bookmarked her Roast Chicken with "Bajak" Chili Sauce which I want to make soon! Please head over and give her a big warm welcome to the world of food blogging. Happy blogging Tuty!

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