Losing Food Identity

>> Saturday, 6 June 2009

Food plays a central role in the cultural identity of any nation. It defines us. All over the world today, popular media, technology, and a changed pace of life have already made significant down payments to some loss of our food identity. This week's column is an appeal for us not to lose sight of who we are in our quest for advancement and acceptance. Click here to read more.

Almost every dish, method, ingredient etc. that is synonomous with a particular country or region has a story behind it that defines and communicates something about its origin, how it is used or memories associated with it. Read about this Caribbean dish called Souse which is pickled meat, here at Simply Trini Cooking. A recipe can be found there also. Each country has it's own version in terms of meat ingredients and pickling agents. If you'd like my version, please email me. This dish is an adaption of Head Cheese.

Ask many Barbadians today about Coconut Turnovers and they'd tell you that what is made today is a mere shadow of the real thing. The dough is too chewy and breadlike, the coconut is dry and lacks enough flavouring. I want to thank Taymer of Mouthwatering Vegan Delights for sharing this original recipe with me.

The recipe can be found at the end of the column and if you would like the vegan version, then please contact Taymer directly.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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