I've Cheated... I've been Unfaithful...

>> Saturday, 14 February 2009

I come before you with my head bowed for I have flirted, cheated and obsessed about things other than my self-confessed true love... Here's the thing, though my head is bowed I am not sure of how ashamed I am. Does that make me a bad person? Does it mean that I need therapy? You'll have to click here to read the rest of the column.

In order not to give away anything, I'll just leave the pictures below. When you read the column, you'll figure it out. Go on, read the column. When you're done, come and share with me some of yours (don't worry, you'll understand when you've finished reading) :)

Photo credit: Eat, Drink & Be Merry


Here is my dish that I have made for submission to the very worthwhile project being put on by my fellow BloggerAid friends. We are creating a cookbook and all the proceeds will go towards fighting hunger. You don't need to be a blogger to join us on this venture, just simply click here for all the details. If you have not heard of BloggerAid and want to know more, then come on over.


Click on the image to get all the details to this month's Monthly Mingle and your chance to win a free, signed copy of my book!


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