A Selective Sweet Tooth

>> Saturday, 1 November 2008

Hi Everyone, I often tell people that I do not have a sweet tooth and that I prefer savoury, and it’s the truth. I almost never order dessert when dining out, and I have been guilty of treating dessert as an afterthought when entertaining. However, I’ve come to realise that I have a selective sweet tooth. In other words, there are certain sweet products and dishes that tempt me, lure me, seduce me and beckon me with their sexy sweetness. Don’t be fooled though, for me to let go and surrender to their pleasures, they have to be of good quality and taste. Click here to continue reading the column.

Bread Pudding, Rice Pudding and excellent Banana Bread weaken my resolve. Any baked apple dessert is right up there along with coconuts and fruit sorbets.

Here's my bread pudding, I wanted it to taste fruity and rummy so I added some of my 1-yr old rum-soaked fruits! :) Wickedly good!

We often call rice pudding, Sweet Rice. I mean come on, let's call it what it really is, oh how I love the practicality of the Caribbean :) ummmmm, most times. This rice pudding is flavoured with a whole vanilla bean which I received all the way from Uganda! Thanks Kavitha! I also added a whole cinnamon stick and a couple of cloves. I rum-soaked my raisins before adding them to the sweet rice. Rum again, things that make you go hmmm.

Finally, the Banana Bread. When I saw Nora's Willie Nelson "Banana Choc Bread", I knew I had to try it. I felt the same way when I saw Dana's Banana Bread Again? post. However, there were certain things that I liked in one that the other lacked and vice versa, so after careful consideration and analysis of both recipes, I took what I liked best about both of these recipes and came up with one with which my tasters and I are very pleased.

I'm posting this particular photograph because I want you to see how moist the Banana Bread is on the inside.

Please email me for any or all three of the recipes featured in this post.

This week, over at Forgive Me My Nonsense... How plugged in and connected are you?

I'm looking forward to catching up with all that you have been doing for the past 3 weeks. I also wanted to let you know that my book is currently in the proofing stage. The publishers and I are working towards a November month-end release. Will continue to keep you updated. See you around!

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