A Year in the Kitchen
>> Saturday, 29 December 2007
I think that smart, intelligent, beautiful woman over there at One Hot Stove said it best when she wrote: “The end of the year compels a lot of people to take stock of the past 12 months… It compels people to start making lists, and all kinds of year in review lists will appear in the media…” She is of course absolutely right. My column this week is entitled “A year in the kitchen” and it looks at the things I made for the first time. Some of them have been favourites which I had always enjoyed but never made personally. Others I had heard of but never tasted. Click here and you can read my thoughts on the making of these dishes.
This has been an amazing year for me, particularly on the food writing front. Through my columns and this blog I have met so many fantastic people and we have shared so much. You are all very dear to me and this experience would not be what it is if I had never met any of you, albeit virtually. Some of you I know for sure that one day we will meet, we must, we have to!
I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support. Week after week, you’ve been encouraging, and cheering me on. I will say this now, there have been times when I’ve felt completely overwhelmed balancing the job that pays my bills and this job which I love - writing the columns, taking pictures and managing this blog. However, I was always sustained in the knowledge that you are there to appreciate my efforts. I thank you most sincerely.
My column and blog would not be possible without 2 women who I am fiercely proud to call my friends. C, I want to thank you for being a visionary and the best editor any writer could ask for. I’m excited to continue our trip into 2008.
S, there are not enough words to thank you. I know that I will never be able to repay you for your kindness, your generosity, your patience, your guidance, your understanding or for you just being there. None of this would have been possible without your encouragement. You embody what a true friend really is. May fair winds always blow your way.
So, what’s in the kitchen for 2008? a widening of the Caribbean food experience. I hope to feature not just more of the foods of Guyana and Barbados but also other Caribbean countries. Don’t forget that you can read this week’s column here which I am dedicating and sending along with this post to Nupur’s Best of 2007 event.