Barbados @ 50 - Bay Leaf

>> Thursday, 20 October 2016

One of the amazing things about Barbados is that the island is studded with tall, sturdy, towering bay leaf trees. Also known in some other parts of the region as the spice leaf tree, or West Indian Bay Leaf, the variety of this bay leaf is superior in terms of fragrance and flavour. The leaves of some of the trees grow as long 5 inches with about 2 and 1/2 and more inches in width. Rarely do you need to use more than 1 bay leaf when you are cooking. In addition to cooking with bay leaf, teas are also made with the leaves, as well as wines and other concoctions. The aromatic leaves are also used to ward of insects - a few are thrown into cupboards and pantries.

Bay Leaves photo bay leaves_zpsjsy6htse.png

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