Shrimp Cakes & A versatile mixture

>> Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Shrimp Cakes

These shrimp cakes celebrate the wonderfulness of the baby shrimp so prevalent in Guyana, which we simply call, "white belly shrimp". It is so called because the body of the shrimp is plump and white with the head and tail, a kiss of pink.

These shrimp cakes, however, can be made with any variety of small shrimp. Sure you can use the larger shrimp (prawns) but the texture will not be the same and the cooking time will vary.

The mixture for these cakes is versatile and it can be made into patties and fried as is shown here, rolled into small balls for appetizers or a little larger to be steamed and added to soups. It can be stuffed into vegetables like okra, sweet peppers and be steamed for sautéed; enclosed in wanton wrappers... really, there is a lot you can do with the mixture.

The recipe is simple and very flexible so I am not giving precise measurements but you if are looking for an exact recipe, let me know and I'll send you a copy of October's newsletter. If you would like to subscribe to monthly editions of the newsletter - TASTESMONTHLY, then simply type the word SUBSCRIPTION in the subject line.



  • Rinse, drain well and pat dry shrimp
  • Make a paste of ginger, garlic and hot peppers
  • Thinly slice green onions (white and green parts)
  • Use 1 egg to 1 pound of shrimp
  • Use 1 cup fresh breadcrumbs to 1 pound of shrimp
  • Salt to taste


  • Pulse together the shrimp and ginger-garlic-pepper paste to a coarse texture
  • Transfer mixture to a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and mix well to incorporate
  • Let rest for 10 minutes before using


  • The mixture will be a little pasty; lightly oil your hands when working with it

Shrimp Cakes2

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