It's Your Year - 2011. Claim it.

>> Friday, 31 December 2010

I do not make New Year resolutions for I believe that each hour and each day is a new year in which to resolve many things. Each day we can turn a new leaf and start all over as sure as the sun will rise and set.

Here are some of the things that I am continuing to work on in my life. Life is not static so the order is constantly revolving.

  • Forever praying - to be a better person. And, to make the lives of those I come into contact with - physically, virtually, personally and professionally, a little brighter, even if it just to make them smile.
  • Surrounding myself with people that I love and support unconditionally and those that feel the same way about me.
  • Never taking anything or anyone for granted.
  • Distancing myself from those who hate me and my family. I keep begging God for the grace to forgive. I am tired of being hurt.
  • Following my passion. While I may not be able to achieve all I would like to, at least I can say that I've tried.
  • Living in the moment. Enjoying the here and now.
  • Being thankful, for I am richly blessed.

What are some of the things you are working on?

May the New Year and all your days, be as bright and cheery as this flower. And may the light shine ever so brightly especially amidst darkness as it does in this photograph. Peace and blessings.

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