A rant: An appeal for the ordinary
>> Sunday 31 October 2010
I am all for creating new tastes and flavours. And I am all for convenience, but I draw the line when things have reached a stage where I am being told, "We no longer stock (insert the name of an item) in that plain form. We only carry it in the flavours you see on the shelves." Continue to my rant about this flavour frenzy that has gripped manufacturers! All I wanted was a simple can of chunk tuna in oil! Really, is that too much to ask for? You decide.
I'd also be interested to know some of the "ordinary" things you go in search of only be lucked-out because some new flavour is in. We don't have to get rid of everything you know.
My apologies for not posting yesterday (Saturday) as usual, but we were feeling the wrath of weather system Tomas.
This week on About.com, please try these cornmeal dumplings. They are hearty and nutritious, add some ground cinnamon to your mixture and you won't need anything to go with these except a cup of tea?
Have a good week everyone.