Salt to Taste

>> Saturday, 23 May 2009

When do you add salt to your dish when cooking - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end? And how much salt do you add? These are two questions I get asked often and I have given my answers in this week's column. Have a read and then for my own education and that of others, I'd love to hear how you salt your food and how you go about measuring how much salt to add.

This ham and split-pea soup was salted in layers - at the beginning when the aromatics were sauteed and then at the end, the salt was adjusted.

Last week I went to Pricesmart, our version of Costo and found some lovely large squid. You know that I couldn't resist. I brought them home, stuffed them with panko, fresh herbs and some creamy, cranberry studded cheese. Heavenly!

I am away for a few days and will catch up with your posts later in the week.

Happy Memorial Day to all my US readers


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