No-Knead To Worry

>> Saturday, 1 September 2007

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I’ve never been a cool or popular person. At school, I was the quiet student content to be invisible, bury my head in my books and make 1 or 2 very good friends. As I grew into adulthood, I found that I was always late, if ever, in getting on the band-wagon of any trend or anything popular, hence it is now, almost 2 months shy of a year, that I made the much talked, discussed and blogged about No-Knead bread that was brought to us by Mark Bittman, the New York TimesThe Minimalist.

But this post and column is about a lot more than the No-Knead bread, it is about me journeying on an emotional safari and discovering things about my cooking self. I’ve found that I can be over confident, impatient, self-doubting, resolute and yet humble enough to learn lessons. You’ll have to click here for the column to read more and see how these traits manifest themselves.

So, what have I been making that caused this emotional outpouring? Guava jam, guava cheese and for the first time, the vaunted No-Knead bread. Easy, right? Click here and tell me that you don’t see yourself in someway in this column.

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The jam and cheese process starts by first peeling and slicing ripe guavas.

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Then boiling them and rubbing and pushing the soft pulp through a sieve.

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After a little over an hour and a half, one has jam

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A little over two hours later and you have guava cheese.

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And finally, the bread; there has been enough waxing and waning about this bread and nothing new that I can add to make it more alluring. Here’s what I will say, if you like a crusty, artisan, chewy bread, then this is it. This is the bread for you. It was so good the first time that I made it again the very next day!

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Eating the guava jam with this bread was bliss with so many experiences - the crunch of the crust, the chewiness of the texture, the aromatic fruity sweetness of the jam that sunk into the pockets of the bread. Life never tasted so good.

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You can click here for the recipe or log on to Jim Lahey’s Sullivan Street Bakery for the recipe and more.

If you haven’t tried making the bread yet, no-knead to worry, you can wait for a year like I did and then try it :))

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