Tagged - 7 Random Facts

>> Tuesday, 22 May 2007

I've been tagged by Susan of The Well Seasoned Cook for my first meme. In keeping with the theme, here are 7 foodie facts about me.

  1. While I make really good roti. I not a big fan of it. I only eat roti when I feel the desire to have it and that is not very often.
  2. My favourite TV Chef is Lidia Bastianich
  3. My pet peeve is people who come to dinner and declare that they are on a diet!
  4. I like pizza without cheese :O
  5. I am always on a quest to find great Chinese food
  6. I cooked my first meal at the age of 9 - curried pork and white rice
  7. I don't like chocolate :O

I tag Bee, Shn, Sig, Meeta & Pel

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