How do you like your Breadfruit?
>> Saturday, 19 May 2007

This week’s column is all about the versatile breadfruit. It can be roasted, fried, boiled, mashed, creamed, pickled, sautéed, candied… and I’m sure that you will be able to tell me more ways in which this fruit can be prepared.

The flesh of a cut breadfruit
One of my favourite ways to have breadfruit is sliced thinly and fried. It makes a quick delicious snack that can be spiced in a variety of ways. For this post however, I have done a simple spicy sprinkling of freshly cracked black pepper and coarse sea salt. It can be sliced thicker if you like. I used a mandoline to slice mine.
Breadfruit Chips

P.S. Not sure why they put such a big picture of me instead of the dishes... Oh well...