Working and Cooking

>> Monday, 19 March 2007

My day started of with a meeting that went beyond midday and it was followed by the grading of assignments at home. In the midst of working, thoughts of food swirled in my head. What should I make today? Having no preference or particular desire, I went into the kitchen, checking the fridge, the freezer and the cupboards.

  • There was spinach in the crisper - spinach and garlic, that sounds good.
  • Look, here is an eggplant - wooooo, what about a choka?
  • From the freezer, I took out the last parcel of baby shrimp. Bunjal.
  • I thought to myself, 3 dishes - that's uneven, I need to make something else to square it off. And there, right in front of me was a bowl tomatoes. What about another choka?
  • One final decision, which was a no-brainer: roti, sada roti.
I had a lot to do, so I quickly got to work. In less than 2 hours, I had my meal and time to take a picture too!

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