A quick bread

>> Saturday 29 May 2010

We hear about quick-breads all the time but what exactly is a quick bread? Answer: a bread that can be made quickly. Duh! Hold on, not so fast! Yes it can be made quickly but did you know that quick-breads have three methods of mixing? Did you know that the dough/batter consistency varies resulting in different textures? Read this week's column to find out more.

Waking up hungry led to me making this Cheese & Herb Quick Bread. The recipe can be found at the bottom of the column. Enjoy at anytime!


WANTED: A cook to make breakfast

>> Saturday 22 May 2010

I am serious. I don't know how much longer I can put up with preparing breakfast. Read this week's column and find out what has prompted me to make an earnest effort at eating breakfast. And be sure to check out my lofty aspirations that are not working for me! Then, if you're up to it, apply for the job. Click here for the column.

My efforts have been many and varied. Kinda how I like breakfast - if I am to commit to it.

Mini pancakes with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs

Fried ripe plantains

Stewed apples and yogurt or Plum (or any fruit) compote with yogurt

Roast Potatoes

Potato Choka & Sada Roti

And yes, oh gosh yes, I like a hot cooked meal for breakfast and a fish curry hits the spot every time!

All of these dishes are pretty straight forward (I think), but if anyone needs a recipe, drop me a line.

P.S. I know that you have not been seeing me visiting your blog lately. I am currently swamped with grading of papers etc and hopefully, soon, I'll come see you. Thank you for stopping by.


Mrs. Cummings' Swiss Roll

>> Saturday 15 May 2010

Several years ago I happened to find myself in a pastry shop and saw that they had some perfectly sliced Swiss Rolls in their showcase. I immediately ordered not one but two slices and raced home. The setting had to be right for the feasting on the Swiss Roll - feet up, relaxed, a beverage of choice and no pressing tasks or chores at hand. I was about to take a trip back in time so it was important that I be prepared. I had to be present in the moment. I took a bite, closed my eyes and began to chew... I waited and waited and waited... Click here to read the rest of this week's column. Find out who Mrs. Cummings was and for the recipe to this most delicious Guava Jam Swiss Roll.

Have a good week everyone!


Tea for my Mom

>> Saturday 8 May 2010

One of the things that was at the heart of my feelings of inadequacy when growing up was the inability to make a cup of tea to suit my mother's taste and standards. Oh we used to have major quarrels about her and her precious tea - it's too hot, it's too cold, it's too strong, it's too weak, not enough milk and sugar, too much milk and sugar, the cup is too full, it's not the right cup... aye, aye, aye... on and on it went. Perhaps I am only brave enough to say that I'd have a tea party for my mom for Mother's Day simply because I know that I would not be doing so in reality... given that she's in Guyana and I am here in Barbados? Ah! One wonders. Click here to continue reading this week's column.

Try a cup of tea of your choice with one of these biscuits

Coconut Cranberry Cradamom Drop Biscuits


Yield: 12 - 14

  • 2 + 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 heaped teaspoon ground cardamom (black & green if you have)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 oz cold unsalted butter
  • 2 oz cold vegetable shortening
  • 2 cups freshly grated coconut
  • 1 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup cold milk


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Add flour, baking powder, cardamom and salt to a large bowl and mix thoroughly
  3. Cut in butter and shortening to flour mixture
  4. Stir in coconut and cranberries to flour mixture. Set aside in refrigerator if your kitchen is very warm
  5. Add sugar and egg to bowl and whisk for 3 - 4 minutes until frothy
  6. Add milk and egg-sugar mixture along with the flour-butter-coconut-cranberries mixture and fold until just combined (the mixture will be sticky)
  7. Measure and drop biscuits on lined baking sheets
  8. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes or until biscuits are golden
  9. Cool on wire rack. Serve warm or at room temperature



A mental adjustment to cooking & eating

>> Saturday 1 May 2010

My friends, before I get to this week's column/blog post, I just thought that I'd clarify a few things based on some comments from last week's column/blog post - In Defence of All-Purpose Flour. I hope that I do not offend anyone.

  • I was in no way advocating for the exclusive use of all-purpose flour, rather, I was making the point that despite the multitude of flour options we have available to us that there still is a place for all-purpose flour in our kitchens. And, to that I hold true.
  • I specifically stated in my column, the context for my argument: "...and for this column, I am referring to cake flour, bread flour and pastry flour." I was not referring to the use of whole wheat flour etc.
  • The fact is that for the majority of the world, all-purpose flour and other "ordinary" ingredients are the only options - as a result of availability and resources.
There, I've said my piece :)

And now on to the business of this week.

When I started the Tastes Like Home columm, I would cook regular "home" food and then cook "column" food. Two major things happened - I saw my food budget skyrocket and the joy I got from cooking began to wane. I had to make adjustments. I had to figure out a way to balance the time I spent in the kitchen and the time I had for the other aspects of my life, like my job and other interests. Long story short, I had to make some changes. I had to make a mental adjustment to cooking and eating. Click here to read this week's column about the adjustment and the explanation for the dishes shown below. The roast chicken recipe is included in the column.

Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & steamed Snow Peas

Roast Chicken with Stir Fry Pak Choy & Rice

Roast Chicken with Vegetable Fried Rice

Have a great weekend everyone!

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